When using inline modal, you can display them using the openModal JavaScript function.

That function is wrapping the jQuery UI Dialog Open method.

/* **********************************************
     From Theme42.js
********************************************** */
window.openModal = function(pDialogId, pDialogTriggerId, pSetFocusId, pClear) {
        $("#" + pDialogId).dialog("open")

What we can do to override the default properties is to set them either on page or right before calling the Open method.

Let’s say we would like to have a smaller dialog (e.g. height of 200px)

Option 1 - On page load

$('#INLINE_REGION_STATIC_ID').dialog('option', 'height', 200);

Then you can use




Option 2 - When openning the Dialog

$('#INLINE_REGION_STATIC_ID').dialog('option', 'height', 200).dialog('open')

For more information, you can have a look at the Dialog Widget documentation